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  • High Speed Internet: How to configure static IP addresses in the 5268AC gateway
    Answer: If you ordered your Internet service with static IP addressing, your modem will need to be configured to recognize your IP address space.  This is ...
  • High Speed Internet: Enabling IP Passthrough on the Arris BGW320
    Answer:   Note: This article's content was originally sourced from Note: These instructions require knowledge of advanced networking topics, including DHCP, assigning static IP addresses, identifying ...
  • Configuring Email Software: Configuring Outlook in XP
    Answer: This document will help you configure Microsoft Outlook XP/2002 to manage your Iglou E-Mail account. Step 1Open Microsoft Outlook. Step 2On the Tools menu, select E-Mail Accounts. ...
  • Configuring Email Software: Configuring Thunderbird 2
    Answer: Thunderbird is an open source email client which is comparable to Microsoft Outlook Express.  Thunderbird is a full featured cross platform email client that runs on Windows, OS ...
  • Configuring Email Software: Configuring Windows Mail
    Answer: Default e-mail client for Windows Vista.This document will help you configure Windows Mail to manage your Iglou E-Mail account. Step 1Open Windows Mail. Likely, you will ...
  • High Speed Internet: Troubleshooting slow or intermittent wifi
    Answer: Slow or unreliable Internet access is sometimes caused by problems with the wireless signal.  The radios in your modem and devices are vulnerable to interference ...
  • Mailblock Spam Filtering: What is the SpamStopper rule and what does it do?
    Answer: IgLou's Spam Stopper can be configured online for your email account.  When enabled, this rule will automatically attempt to identify spam and block it. To ...
  • General Email Questions: Inactive email account policy
    Answer: If you do not access your IgLou email account for 6 months it will become inactive and we will stop delivering new messages until you ...
  • Webmail: Webmail inbox is sometimes empty
    Answer: Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, and other email software that is configured using an older protocol called "POP" will delete all the messages on IgLou's server after ...

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