Email account access for the deceased

~ 0 min
2022-02-03 00:15

IgLou values the confidentiality of our customer's private information, including the contents of and access to email, even beyond their own lifetime. The following policy outlines the necessary procedures for gaining access to a deceased user's email account.

Policy Details: The privacy of our users remains a priority even after they've passed away. IgLou does not permit access to a deceased user's account unless a valid court order is presented first. Access prohibited in absence of a court order includes disclosure of account details, access to existing emails, ability to send or receive new emails, or changing passwords.

Procedure for Requesting Access: Those wishing to access the email account of a deceased user must first provide IgLou with a valid court order or other government issued order directing the release of said information. Documents can be submitted online or by postal mail for our legal team to review.

Response Timeline: We attempt to review and respond to each request promptly. However, due to the delicate and intricate nature of these requests, the process may take several weeks.

Account Deletion: IgLou retains the right to delete any account that has remained inactive for more than 90 days. It is important to contact us as soon as possible if retention of data is desired.

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